Upcoming news!!!
A lot of very exciting stuff has happened this summer. For example, he caught a ball and threw it directly
at me on purpose (which he never does). We
made a tower together taking turns J . The most exciting thing for me was when we
were at the beach and he was in the arms of Mamá and, as much as he loves Mamá,
he leaped into my arms and held really tight (I almost couldn’t breathe). For Mamá, Papá and grandma (Coco), the most
exciting thing was when he finally said COCO!!!!! It started the day that grandma visited and
one of the first things she said was “Pablo, can you say CO- CO?“ and she
basically said it until he finally got the point and at dinnertime when they asked
the question many times and well, you know what happened…
With all of this amazing stuff happening in his life I really
think that Pablo will be a bigger part of my life now.